Private Page: For Rose and Claire!
November 2020 Crit |
I realize you might prefer to just use Google Drive to view the images... but I thought I'd make this page anyway, as creating it helps me organize my thoughts and questions for the crit. I realize we probably won't get to everything, but that's ok. With much gratitude, Jayne
Topic 1: Wrap-up from 3Rs and Painting Blast
I wanted to get any general comments you had about my work... and some questions:
--Are there images from my 3R's work that you think could be translated into paintings?
--I was really quite surprised at some of my paintings that you pulled as examples for the Re-View. I wince when I look at many of them... I feel like they are so tight, and too illustrative, and clogged. Am I destined to hate my own painting way of painting?
--How do I let go of old painting habits?
I wanted to get any general comments you had about my work... and some questions:
--Are there images from my 3R's work that you think could be translated into paintings?
--I was really quite surprised at some of my paintings that you pulled as examples for the Re-View. I wince when I look at many of them... I feel like they are so tight, and too illustrative, and clogged. Am I destined to hate my own painting way of painting?
--How do I let go of old painting habits?
Topic 2: Planning for my Thesis Show... coming up in March or April 2021
I have multiple things going on in the studio all at once (see list below!), and I'm trying to figure out what to include in my thesis show. The gallery is huge, so lack of space is not an issue, rather filling up the space could be an issue. I'm thinking of my main theme as an exploration of my personal "Motherscape"... the 'landscape' of my motherhood experience. My biggest questions are these (with more questions down below):
--Are my various series of work holding together enough to be part of my thesis show?
--What should I include/exclude?
--Why do I have a mental block when it comes to COLOR? What should I do about it? Accept that the show won't really have any color?
The different things I have going on are:
A. Beasts of Burden Series (large carbon paintings on canvas)
B. Subtractive/Sandpaper Grid Painting (12in x 12in panels with the image pulled away using sandpaper)
C. Landscape Panorama (transfers of vintage postcards)
D. Printing on Fabric (graphite drawing from 2018, printed on fabric)
E. Knitting Video (that you've already seen)
F. Found Poetry (from vintage parenting book)
G. Poetry (from perspective of the animal, as mother)
I have multiple things going on in the studio all at once (see list below!), and I'm trying to figure out what to include in my thesis show. The gallery is huge, so lack of space is not an issue, rather filling up the space could be an issue. I'm thinking of my main theme as an exploration of my personal "Motherscape"... the 'landscape' of my motherhood experience. My biggest questions are these (with more questions down below):
--Are my various series of work holding together enough to be part of my thesis show?
--What should I include/exclude?
--Why do I have a mental block when it comes to COLOR? What should I do about it? Accept that the show won't really have any color?
The different things I have going on are:
A. Beasts of Burden Series (large carbon paintings on canvas)
B. Subtractive/Sandpaper Grid Painting (12in x 12in panels with the image pulled away using sandpaper)
C. Landscape Panorama (transfers of vintage postcards)
D. Printing on Fabric (graphite drawing from 2018, printed on fabric)
E. Knitting Video (that you've already seen)
F. Found Poetry (from vintage parenting book)
G. Poetry (from perspective of the animal, as mother)
A. Beasts of Burden Series
This is a continuation of what you saw in our last Skype crit. After the painting workshop, I redid most of my pieces... starting with the "Goat Cart" piece. I really felt like the new Goat Cart was a HUGE BREAKTHROUGH and so I was very happy that you discussed it briefly in the Re-View. I was also using water soluble carbon for the first time, and lots of "accidental" marks. I don't know that I've been able to keep the freshness of this first piece. |
In talking to one of my professors, he suggested that I consider presenting the new carbon versions of the Beasts of Burden alongside the "old" graphite versions. I do think there's something interesting happening with the double image... and the contrast of no background to background- context and removal of context. I would want to be sure that it was not too "formulaic"... But also some seems not quite right. I'm wondering if you think I should try to get this to work, or abandon the idea? |
B: Subtractive/Sandpaper Grid Painting So this is a painted version of the litho's you saw in my last crit... I'm thinking that some of it is too tight and illustrative. I think I want to redo some of the panel with more looseness. I was also thinking of expanding it for my thesis show... so that it is more like the mock-up of what you see in the image below: |
C: Landscape Panorama
I've been experimenting with these landscape panoramas-- transfers of old postcards that my grandfather saved for me. I'm rubbing the paper away only in certain areas to create (somewhat of) a single horizon line. Just recently I started researching "Moving Panoramas" from the 1800's (and their portable cousins- the "Crankie Box" and I'm considering creating this a small version of a scrolling image.
I've been experimenting with these landscape panoramas-- transfers of old postcards that my grandfather saved for me. I'm rubbing the paper away only in certain areas to create (somewhat of) a single horizon line. Just recently I started researching "Moving Panoramas" from the 1800's (and their portable cousins- the "Crankie Box" and I'm considering creating this a small version of a scrolling image.
D: Printing on Fabric I printed the large graphite face drawing from a couple of years ago onto to a large piece of translucent voile fabric. Should I include it in my thesis show? I was considering printing more fabric pieces... maybe of some older hand drawings... (In this photo I just quickly pinned it to two easels... so that you could see the transparency...) |
E: Knitting Video
I'm trying to figure out if I should include the "Hands Knitting Video" that you saw in our last crit... Here's the link to watch the video.
Should I project it on fabric? Along with the Face on Fabric?
I'm trying to figure out if I should include the "Hands Knitting Video" that you saw in our last crit... Here's the link to watch the video.
Should I project it on fabric? Along with the Face on Fabric?
F: Found Poetry
Similar to what I did for the "Text Only" exercise in the 3R's, I started to create some "found" poems from the same vintage parenting book. I'm wondering if it's worth continuing these. And could they fit in to the thesis show? And could I pair them with my hand photos or is that too forced of a connection??
Similar to what I did for the "Text Only" exercise in the 3R's, I started to create some "found" poems from the same vintage parenting book. I'm wondering if it's worth continuing these. And could they fit in to the thesis show? And could I pair them with my hand photos or is that too forced of a connection??
G: Poetry
At the encouragement of a writing professor, I think I'm going to present some poetry to go along with my work in the thesis show. Maybe as a little booklet of poetry that you would be able to take with you...
I've been really enjoying writing poetry... mostly (but not always) from the perspective of the animal in my paintings.
I don't expect you to have time to read any of it!! But here are the poems-in-progress anyway: Link to Poetry Page
At the encouragement of a writing professor, I think I'm going to present some poetry to go along with my work in the thesis show. Maybe as a little booklet of poetry that you would be able to take with you...
I've been really enjoying writing poetry... mostly (but not always) from the perspective of the animal in my paintings.
I don't expect you to have time to read any of it!! But here are the poems-in-progress anyway: Link to Poetry Page